Karaoke from Hell, a Zürich institution

photo - Alois JauchPhoto: Alois Jauch

Every tuesday night, during the winter months in Zürich, there is totally cool club, KARAOKE FROM HELL.  The concept is part `Almost Famous` and part `This is Spinal Tap`, and has become an institution unique to Zürich.

Held at the venue Mascotte at Bellevue, you can be a rock star singing punk, hard rock or heavy metal with a live band; Andy (bass), Boris (guitar), Siro (drums) and Martin (compere).

Last week I turned up to the venue to sing Green Day’s basketcase, and realized that these guys are truly professional. An entire winter, every week, without a break. No-one rings in sick, or misses a beat. They are there for you, you are the star. Over 120 metal, thrash and rock`n`roll songs that you can yell your lungs out with your own live band.

Singers of all ages, including known international artists such as Tex Perkins (beasts of Bourbon/Cruel sea), and Danko Jones have performed at the venue.

This week the club, under the lead of Boris Müller published and launched a book celebrating the singers and artists that have participated. And, to my surprise and excitement, I am in the book!

Swiss TV mini doco here

Buy the book here

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