007Bond in the Alps, with an exquisite assortment of villains.

The 007 Bond films have returned several times to the Alps, both in Switzerland and Austria. Hollywood’s habit of depicting Switzerland as a hideout for various eccentric villains, is enhanced by the dramatic and beautiful scenery.

In the opening scene to Quantum of Solace, parts of the footage of the Italian Cabinieri chasing Bond through which I believe is the roadway over the lake Vierwaldstaettersee, between Ingenbohl and Altdorf. I have driven along this road, and you really do feel like putting the pedal down to ‘fang it’ in a fast car through the spectacular scenery, just like Bond does.

In Goldfinger (1964), a Zurich blogger writes:  “James Bond, played by Sean Connery, comes to Switzerland for the first time. He gets acquainted with the beauty of the country and the vileness of its inhabitants who often wear grey overalls, yellow sashes around their waists and white socks. He angries a Swiss lady, a solid performance by a Swiss sub machine gun wielding Varley Thomas.
However, Bond returned to my country several times afterward, either because he liked it or because there reside a most exquisite assortment of villains. Or both”

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Bond (Roger Moore) visits a clinical research institute atop Piz Gloria, in the Swiss Alps,  that has been estalblished by Blofeld (Telis Savalas). Escaping imprisonment, he skis down Piz Gloria, arriving at the village of Mürren where he meets Tracy (Diana Rigg).

In Goldeneye, Bond, played by Pierce Brosnan, jumps from the top of Contra Dam, which is located near  the Swiss/Italian border. This is currently a tourist destination where you can actually try the jump yourself, with the aid of a bungy rope.

And of course,  Austria. Bond and his villains visit Austria in both the Spy who loved me and Quantum of Solace. It seems Russian baddies were adept at skiing around the Tyrolean Alps in the Spy who loved me. This scenery and suspense is very similar to On her Majesty’s Secret Service, without the cute Swiss architecture.

In Quantum of Solace the villains return to Bregenz, in the region of Vorarlberg. Bond (Daniel Craig), along with the villains, tear up some of the stunning Bregenz Festspiele, designed by architects Dietrich/Untertrifaller.

I visited the architects who designed this building, and spoke to Michael Porath about what it felt like to see his building in a bond film. Along with being flattered and excited, he answered that the door handles that were broken off during the fight scene, weren’t the ones they specified.

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